Hitler lives!

(Click on the above image to see the Complete picture

Is it just me or is that a Nazi symbol on this Chineese flag? :)
Falun Dafa float at the San Jose Holiday Parade (Sunday December 6th, 2004)

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atrophying said...

hail hitler!

Unknown said...

It was originally a symbol for peace or something like that in chinese culture, before it was misused by the Hitler's Nazi Party as its own symbol. So they still use it in its original sense. How appropriate it is to still use it is open for debate really...

otowi said...

I know that in Navajo culture they have used the swastika for generations as a religious symbol that represents the four compass directions. The Navajo one is the mirror image of the Nazi one, however....

Faraz said...

Thank you poethem and otowi, your comments were very educational for me :)