NED Alumni Convention 2007

Update: If you can't see the embedded slide show above, click here

The 3rd annul N.E.D University Alumni Convention took place in my home town. Being a proud alumnus, I volunteered to cover the event by taking photographs.

The slide show above will grow, as I go through the 654 photos that I took on that day, so stay tuned :)

The photos in this slide show include:

  • Keynote speech: Return to Glory

  • Panel 1: From NED to NASDAQ

Happy Labor Day!

A sign posted in the window of a theater on Addison Street in Berkeley, California

The Ruling Ring

Happy feet

Downtown Buffalo

As seen from my room window at Hyatt Regency Buffalo.

Mohib at Pakwan restaurant

Mohib and I had the notorious Sunday brunch at Pakwan restaurant in Hayward today. The place was crowded and we had to sit in the "family room", this was the closest I could get to a clean shot without including any other patrons.

Url: Mohib Ahmed
Location: Pakwan restaurant

$5 shirt

I was bored at work, sue me ;-)

If you want to learn how to make your own shirts, here's a very nice tutorial