Gates building

(Click on the image to see the Complete picture)

The Computer Science building at Stanford is named after a dropout billionaire, what an irony! ;)

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(Click on the image to see the Complete picture)

The Computer Science building at Stanford is named after a dropout billionaire, what an irony! ;)

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Anonymous said...

may i link you?

Faraz said...

Sure, send me your link along with your name and I'll put it up in my list too :)

Anonymous said...

just got one u go to stanford?!?!

decaf said...

wow . . this shot and the Sloan corner's shot are both beautiful.

And I'm assuming this permission is good enough for me to link you too? :)

Faraz said...

Thanks decaf, we can exchange links. Send me yours and I'll put it up in my list :)

decaf said...

sure. It's

And Stanford sounds pretty great. Though sometimes it looks like you have to be a dropout to be really great :)