It's a bird! it's a plane! its ...

(Click on the image to see the Complete picture)

Super Moo!


3rd avenue said...


lulu will love this. she is a cow-lover ;)

finally you updated! yayyy!

Anonymous said...

OMGGGGGGGG its soooooo cute!!!!!! I love it soooo much!!! Super Cow!!!! now u need a chicken next to it and ull have cow and chicken :D ... "mama had a chicken, mama had a cow, dad was proud, he didnt care how! nananana tata nana na tata tete te" :D

3rd avenue said...

:D Muahuahauahauah :D

VAISE if you dont know what cow and chicken is, i suggest you run over to someone who has tv that shows cartoon network..... its the most filthiest funniest stupidest cartoon ever :D

Faraz said...

hiba: I know Cow & the Chicken, it's not my kind of show :)

Aaala: Thank you :)

Mars said...

how interesting, a cow kite!...:P

Natasha said...

awww sweet. i love the crispness of the colors and the picture. awesome :D

flick said...

:D super moo! kia baat hai!
its great! youve started seeing flying cows again!

i thought it were some virtual graphics, while downloading. its very crisp.
that reminds me of "aik nadeedi gaye". my bro used to read that to me... there can be whole series on "flying cows" n "nadeedi gaies".

Faraz said...

mars: :)

natasha: Thank you :)

flick: 'aik nadeedi gaye' reminds me of a certain two pony tailed sibling rather than a story :)

Abbas Halai said...

cow and chicken? i guess i need to buy a tv first eh?

flick said...

...well that story was used to be told to a two-poney tailed sibling, too.