Buffalo downtown

Buffalo downtown
Buffalo downtown,
originally uploaded by imfaraz.
The sky finally cleared towards the evening after the thunderstorm in the afternoon.

This was the view from my room's window on the 14th floor of Hyatt Regency Buffalo (notice that there is not a single vehicle on the street)


Abbas Halai said...

dude. thats one shitty town. theres not a single soul in that town either in regular day time. forget vehicles.

Arsalan said...

I am actually surprised to see the building structures. It looks like Buffalo is a fairly large city. I had expected a dainty little town a la Sacramento. I wonder if you were able to get your hands on the famous wings... Buffalo Wings!

NV said...

Nice snap...

Faraz said...

Abbas: Hehehe ... yeah, the shuttle driver told me that most of the tourists stay at Buffalo on their way to Niagara falls because all the nice hotels are in Buffalo. Buffalo residents live in the surburbs.

Arsalan: General Motors had two factories in Buffalo, they moved one to Canada but the Ford engines are still assembled in Buffalo. This was a booming town in 1980s

Jnarin: Thanks man! :)

Anonymous said...

Thats a really cool pic..

Anonymous said...

There are no cars because it is a photo of Buffalo's light rail line.