Infrared Silhouette

(Click on the image to see the Complete picture)


Mohib said...

It seems you are having a great time with infra-red pics.

This one is also great.

3rd avenue said...


i like the IR effect
I WANT ONE!!!!!!

Natasha said...

absolutely stunning! :D

rooosh said...

oh my...ur work is awesome..
i really like it

Anonymous said...

ufff tooba
main tay twada fain ho gay aan

Zee'Ay said...

Iron bru!
the color fits awesome!


Faraz said...

Mohib: Thanks Mohib, it is pretty fun to walk around holding the infrared filter over one eye with the other eye closed. I almost look like a pirate! :P

Moi: Check your digital camera with your television remote to see if it can "see" infrared first. The IR filter is not very common and I bought one off eBay

Natasha: Thank you :)

M: Thank you V. much :)

Saroosh: Thank you :)

Abu Ali: Oh ji sanu wee apna fain bann da moka deo ;)

Mei: Thank you :)

3rd avenue said...

so if my camera reads positive for IR, what then? sorry, but i'm totally clueless about the IR and cam combo!