
(Click on the image to see the Complete picture)

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Anonymous said...

[i] aray iss orange mian nay monh kion nahin dhoya howa?[/i]
Somehow this flower reminds me of simba. Yes, I love that cub.

Mohib said...

Awesome pic !!

What time of the day did you click it? What about the lighting?

kAy said...

ufffff- sunflowers are my favorite kind... ( or anythingg that looks like a sunflower )
awesome awesome!

Anonymous said...

short of words ,brilliant ...

3rd avenue said...

oh this is a lovely orange shot

Faraz said...

exube: I have a Timon bobble head on my desk at work :)

mohib: The time of day was around 1-2 pm, it was an overcast and foggy day and this flower was under a bush. I used spot metering in the camera with exposure compensation to under-expose the photo and make it look darker than it actually was.

kay: I first thought it was a sun flower too till I googled to see what they look like. This is not a sun flower, they have yellow petals and the petals are not arranged like this.

abu ali: Thank you :)

moi: welcome back :)

NV said...


Mars said...

this is beautiful faraz...the colors are so rich... :)